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Martain Pierre Jean

Martain Pierre Jean

Plastic surgeons.
University of Utrecht


Doctor Martain Pierre Jean Loonen is an experienced medical director,clinical manager and plastic surgeon. He is a consultant in plastic surgery with extensive experience and interest in plastic, reconstructive, cosmetic, hand and wrist surgery. He has an additional expertise in post-bariatric surgery, hair restauration surgery, burn management and medical management. He is an invited medical expert consultant regarding healthcare investment, health regulations and governance for the Gerson Lehrman Group in New York. He is a recognized fellow of the Collegium Chirurgicum Plasticum of the Board of Plastic Surgeons of Belgium, and holds recognized membership of the Dutch Society of Plastic surgeons. Dr. Loonen holds a Doctoral Degree in Plastic Surgery and has achieved his degree with outstanding honors as the youngest Ph.D. candidate to have attained that distinction at his Alma Mater, the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands in collaboration with the University of Louisville, Kentucky

Research Interest

Medical Management Clinical research Medical Directorship Medical Expertise Medical education Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery Hair Restauration Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Hand and Wrist Surgery General Plastic Surgery Reconstructive surgery